Thursday, July 26, 2007

More pictures: Four-square garden

Here's a photo of my four-square garden taken earlier this month, which shows a panorama of the entire garden just after the boxwoods were freshly clipped.
The background trees are on the neighboring tree farm

This picture makes for quite an interesting contrast to how the boxwoods looked (see picture below) before their first clipping, which took place last summer.

This was a job I didn't dare do myself, but entrusted to Bob May, a former gardener at Hamilton's Royal Botanical Gardens. Bob calls himself the plant sculptor, and no wonder: what a beautiful precision clipping. The hedge is shaping up amazingly now.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:03 PM

    These are absolutely gorgeous. I'm
    just beginning a four square vegetable garden and it has been
    so much fun.

    Here is my gardening page:

    Donna Jones Flood, author, artist
    How To Keep Up With The Joneses
    and Velma, Fleur De Narcissus


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-Yvonne, aka Country Gardener